Magnesium Cream

Native Spirit Oils


Our Magnesium cream is triple strength magnesium chloride (handmade by us) that may assist with relieving muscle aches and pains

This Magnesium Cream has no essential oils so it has very little scent which some people appreciate. those that are scent sensitive or allergic to certain essential oils etc can use this Magnesium Cream without any worries

It has a lovely buttery consistency with a great spread

The body has over 300 uses for Magnesium, one of the most important contributions from Magnesium is a sleep aid, it triggers sleep. Basically if you cramp from the knees to the toes anywhere and cannot sleep you are most likely very low on Magnesium

Low Magnesium has shown to have an influence on mental health and also the condition of the skin 

Apply to affected area 2-3 times daily preferably to the arches of the feet to ease cramping and improve sleep


Magnesium Chloride Triple Strength (Handmade at NSO)
Coconut Wax
Ceteryl Alcohol
Grapeseed Oil
Safflower Oil
Shea Butter
Floral Waters

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